Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

White roses

I sent the students off on a treasure hunt today through the city to explore and get oriented with our new home. It leaves time for Seth and I to get many things done here.

Sort through old readers and documents and compose new course reader for three classes --check.

Create three new course syllabi --check.

Buy water and gas--check.

Exchange new truck battery at mechanic´s --check.

Phone calls and planning with other instructors --check.

Drop off new readers for photocopying X 10 --check.

Personal business.

One of the things I put on the treasure hunt list was to visit the Plaza de San Francisco flower market and bring back a bouquet. Later after they all arrived back there are gorgeous bouquets enlivening the house and the smell of roses. Little things like that brighten up life. Being so busy and house bound most of the day left me little time or thought for blipping, though did you know the white petals of a rose placed in colored water will suck up the color into the petals through centrifugal action? Turning a white rose shades and blotches of blue, pink, red....

I did not know this seemingly simple fact, though my students had. Maybe we are all like that. White is the absence of color, pure, and uncorrupted. Maybe we all begin life that way, becoming who we are with time by sucking up all the life and colors around us unconsciously. All the dyes and shades of the rainbow in each one of us. Changing colors throughout life.

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