
By olib

Apprentice conductor

Newport Borough Brass Band played in the Linda Vista Gardens today. The weather was just perfect, there were lots of people about (not least because a local church decided to have a picnic in the gardens, not knowing the band was to play), Liz Knight of Forage Fine Foods did a foraging walk and talk (including healing a little girl who got stung by nettles with plantain - better than dock, it seems), Auntie Pooh (aka Cathaber) and Archie told fortunes for lucky teddy-bears, the best coffee in Abergavenny was served, and the gardens themselves looked marvellous!

Also a little chap decided to take up conducting, as you can see. He even tried to wrestle a cornet from one of the band members. They, valiantly, carried on playing an atmospheric, soulful piece as though this was all in a day's work for a brass band, even one that, judging from their instruments, was actually a silver band. When his mother carried the little chap off, the protests were loud!

Anyway, a wonderful afternoon!

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