Boy and ducks

It's been an action packed day, I can tell you. Up and out for a walk to feed the swans and ducks, we sat and learnt a lot about swans including why they swim with one foot hooked over their back (they were all doing it, temperature control apparently and like us crossing our legs). Then "adventure" golf for the children, chips and nachos for lunch. Throughout all of this it was oppressively hot and my poor red face does not look special I can tell you. I wanted to leave by three to get home in plenty of time for sorting for the week ahead. And we left spot on three. And four miles up the road realised we had a huuuuge puncture and had to call the RAC man because my spare tyre is attached to the car by dark magic and I was too heat deranged by this point to be confidant of my tyre changing skills.

Charlie was with us in 40 minutes though, he made quick work of the tyre a process that delighted and thrilled Will no end. Then he kindly established that the litre of oil I put in the car two weeks ago was completely all gone.

Arse, now i think I need a new car what with all the new tyres I need (I need to replace two anyway and now the flat as a pancake one) and the £50 pound a month oil habit and the upcoming MOT. I hate buying new cars. Jay says I should get a fun car, the children and I think we would like a yellow car, I need to go camping and France in the next month and I consider anything over £2000 a complete waste of money. Do let me know if you know a car for sale that fits the bill. Preferably in Worthing.

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