
By helen221

Flowers for finishing

We were each given a flower, along with a piece of petrified wood and much cheers and clapping. It was good to be outside in the garden, especially having watched similar ceremonies for the past 3 years. And this time it was me with my group. How did that happen?

Big feelings and most of the right people were there for much of the time, apart from one of our number with another group member who had slipped over this morning so was in the Central Middlesex hospital. We missed them both. We did the best ending we could.

Lots of pictures of people and there was gratitude for me having my camera there.

I feel like quoting T.S. Eliot, but after a couple of glasses of wine I think best not. Time for some water and a quick trip to the allotment and maybe a celebration bonfire.

The dissertation work starts tomorrow!

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