Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Meal Time

'Tis me and I am sitting down to my dinner (beef bourguignon) which G has made - trying out Julia Childs' recipe. It wasn't even 6 o'clock but we wanted to go out (to another Mall) and it was best to eat first.

Good start to a new week at work and more things scratched off my list but I had yet another fraught trip to the tailor. Argh. Hopefully it is the last time before I can actually bring two dress shirts and a jacket home.

The Swatch G was looking for has been found (phew!) and I got a tear on my favourite rucksack fixed while I waited for less than £2. I LOVE Dubai for things like that! Mind, I had to visit a few branches of this particular store before I got to the right one.

I have just realised that tonight's final starts at 11pm local time not midnight, so I could have made the effort to watch it somewhere and still be ok for all the things I need to do tomorrow! Bummer. Must remember to ask SweetArt to text me the result. :)

PS. I blipped yesterday.

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