Swan Dance

After several dull grey days and sporadic rain it was wonderful to wake to a gloriously fine sunny day. It seemed every man and his dog was out in force on the upper Taylor River tracks. It was very wet and muddy underfoot but the sunshine was very cheering. Even the dogs seemed more energetic. I counted 19 other pooches during our relatively short walk. We were all making the most of the warm sunny weather.
I drove out to the O’Connors’ “Brooksdale” property later in the morning. Whilst there wandering around the gardens I heard quite a commotion and lots of splashing noises in one of the ponds. A pair of white swans lives in that pond and they were having a very energetic preening session on and under the water. This entailed busy preening of their feathers, frantic flapping of their amazingly long wings and complete roly polys over and under the water. It was a very busy and noisy scene. I shot lots of images and consequently was spoiled for choice…. But this image would have to be one of my favourites.

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