Is That You?

Yesterday, while at the beach taking random photos, I saw this girl go by me out of the corner of my eye, running into the very cool ocean. I didn't focus on her just thought it might be a good catch and snapped the picture quickly. When I got home and uploaded the photos, it took my breath away - everything about her reminded me of Sumner. I texted the picture to Logan and he thought it WAS her. I called Jon in to look and even without his glasses he said "Oh my God, it looks just like her!" The body, the hair, the not-matched bathing suit (though her colors would have been brighter), the hands, the little blonde hairs on her arms and the go for it attitude! I went back and forth and decided not to use it for yesterday's blip. I didn't want to evoke a sad or sympathetic feeling, but it has been on my mind - I keep going back to it and decided I wanted to document it, for myself when I look back, so I'm going to turn off comments for today. It just is what it is.

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