living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

After all...

After all that hard work we have finally made a see saw.

We went to Spud wood for the first time today. It was a lovely little place. Chickpea dragged this log around trying to find the best place to make a see saw and I think this was the most successful attempt. I found some more caterpillars, peacock butterfly this time so we should have some staggering of hatching butterflies. I'm starting to feel a bit like an entomologist with all of these insects in the house!

The kids got a great surprise in the mail- a lego storytelling set. It is great and I think we will be adding some accessories/ etc. as they have both really enjoyed playing with it and making up stories. Monkey's story went like this:

One umona time there was a little spider that got the daddy, "Ah, run away! Spider!"

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