A horrible day weather-wise - thick, fat, warm, damp mizzle hung over us. We went to Skibbereen to sell our wares (successfully). Skibbereen is very colourful indeed - this arrangement is outside an exceptionally colourful B&B. On closer inspection it rather looks as though a dog has just passed by and admired the barrel of nasturtiums!  I spent a while loitering in this intriguingbook shop and actually got a bargain, a book on the archaeology of the Burren I had been searching for, now out of print. The only annoying thing was the relentless jazz going on in the background.
My poor car smells appalling - I think some of the chowder bits from yesterday suffered a leakage. Even worse than old milk :(

A swim has just been taken nonetheless. the tide was high, there were no jellyfish and  a thimble sized patch of blue sky miraculously appeared and it stopped drizzling. Briefly.

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