Musical Bumps

4years 264days

We had a really bad night last night. She was up for 3.5 hours. She woke with growing pains in her knees. She had milk, cuddles, songs, a story. But she really struggled to settle. I tried a bit of rubbish TV on the iPad. I ended up suggesting she play for a little while, hoping she would distract herself. She did some sticklebricks and 15minutes later, she agreed to trying a sleepover with her soft friends in her play tent. She was asleep in hardly any time, wrapped in and sleeping on her Granny-cover. I had to wake her to get ready for ballet.

We missed our train this morning, but thankfully I get that one knowing there is one that, if we rush, we can make it to and still be at ballet. Just a "big rush and with seconds" to spare kind of job. She had fun dancing and we headed out for lunch.

We got the train home, stopped at a couple of places and headed to the first party of the day. One of her nursery friends was throwing a leaving party for the preschool children. They had an absolutely amazing garden with incredible tree house, adventure playground and 2 play houses! They played pass the parcel and musical bumps. Katie and I left then as she was too hot, too tired and ready for some space! An ice lolly and a snuggle, then some tea and she's got her second wind. Nicely in time for the kids' club End of Year party & BBQ, which she is going to with her friend.

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