tracks of life

By dpofarre

hit the slopes

here's the gang, on our way to the slopes for the day. kristie stopping to strike a pose, and adam, loving hubby as he is, showing his support (or atleast that's what the still image might suggest - reality was him pushing her).

we've developed a 'curse' at skifest, as this year i succombed to it's icy claws. to start, with skifest number 1 last year, adam took a pretty bad dive on skis, banging his knee badly, leaving him gimp for most of the day. this time, my snowboard caught edge on the bottom of my first run, and i landed crack on my tailbone - ouch! i tried a few more runs today, but found myself unable to shift fast enough from being so sore, that things were getting dicey on the slopes.

making the smart move, i decided to sit it out the remainder of the day - couldn't even sit at the bar for extended time, as it hurt to sit in a chair. instead, i found a couch in the lounge to lie on for the rest of the day.

i have high hopes for tomorrow though. if i wake up feeling a little better tomorrow morning, i'll get on skis (been a few years since i've done that) in hopes that the mainly standing stance of skiing will allow me some time on the mountain.

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