Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Big surprise

Yesterday, My Love told me there was a little surprise waiting for me when I got home from work. Immediately my mouth started watering at the thought of an ice cold cider waiting for me in the fridge...

So I returned home at 10pm, greeted by a very enthusiastic Talisker. He insisted on showing me the half a cow he had been munching on all afternoon at the bottom of the garden. We collect all sorts of monstrous bones from the butchers for the dogs, this thing was about the size of my torso!

Then PW told me he had been doing some work in the garage and I should go look. Putting the cold cider out of my mind I ventured to the garage and hauled up the door...and screamed! There sat my surprise, my very own motorbike!! aaaaaiieeeekkkk!

PW is some guy. I'll be holding on to him, for sure.

Thank you, Darling :)

PS: There was no cider in the fridge, i had a lovely cup of tea (made by PW) instead. Feeling very indulged and loved and special.

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