Thai fruits afloat

Ladchado is a village between Ayuthaya (former capital of Siam) and Suphanburi, at about 100km northeast of Bangkok. My friends and I drove there in order to attend the Buddhist Lent celebrations. Ladchado is a stilt village built along a canal. There, they hold an extraordinary water parade for Wan Khao Phansa (Buddhist Lent Day). They decorate their boats as if it were a carnival float. Many people dress in their traditional costume. There is music and dances on some of the boats. Today's blip looks like it is a scene from a floating market, another Thai tradition. This lady's boat has some tropical fruits: guava, dragon fruit, green & yellow mangoes, custard apples, limes. But in reality, she will take part in the water parade and go down the canal in a long procession of colorful boats all celebrating the Buddhist Lent.

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