
By Valerie1940

Here, Kitty Kitty !

There are days when I have only taken one pic so have no choice of Blip - today I took 334 and am spoilt for choice!
I said yesterday it would be a cat today - I went on a wildlife photography course at Hamerton Zoo Park which was specifically for Big Cats. As well as this Bengal Tiger, called Lady, there was another, called Blizzard, who was bigger, white, and had blue eyes. You can see him here.
We also shot a Cheetah who posed beautifully as he was very used to people, having been hand reared (but still wild - would have your hand off if it went through the wire!).
The Lynx was more nervous of us , but curious too - well he is a cat!
The most challenging animals were not cats, but little Russian foxes - they were not bothered by us but would not stay still! There were lots of them dashing in and out of the long grass and on and off the logs and branches on which the keeper had kindly put little bits of raw meat to lure them into shot.

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