Two Snakes in Our Garden?

Big excitement with the painters this morning! They called Lilly to ask for 'Doom' - insect repellent - because they saw 2 snakes close to the washing line! Charmaine and I ran out with the cameras, scared as we might be, but this must be snapped! Asked them what the repellent was for, 'no madam. we just want to make them a bit sleepy with the Doom, then we can get them out from behind the cobblestones, to kill them! ???

They were even more scared than us! Sprayed the Doom, and next thing, Charmaine helps to remove the stones, and guess what? Two beautiful, hybernating lizards! The poor painters were just as sad as us, so sure the Doom did it's thing! Charmaine brought them into the house, put them in a plastic container and washed them with lukewarm water to get the poison off! .... and here is the result! My Blip for the day! We kept them in the house for about 2 hours and then we released them in the garden, alive and well!

Charmaine is forever busy rescuing the injured critters in our area, people are often knocking on our door with strays for her to nurse back to health/life! My one year ago blip is another example of her tireless efforts! ;-)

'One Year Ago' - Hadeda Ibis (Bostrychia hagedash)

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