
By hoodedpigwoman

The Thinker

Which bit to eat next?!

We went to the Botanic Gardens and met Amanda and Kier for a chat and a play, which was lovely. They had to go before lunch so we had a small picnic and then Alexander wanted to look at the Tardis outside.

Imagine our surprise on discovering the door was open! There was a lady inside but the Doctor was out. She did have a sonic screwdriver though, to prove her credentials. Alexander squeezed in for a look around but it was actually slightly smaller on the inside than the outside. She said there is a special button the Doctor can press when he comes back and then you can get into the Tardis. How could we not buy an icecream from her after that?

I tip my hat to the young lady for forward planning, inventiveness and general loveliness to small boys.

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