
By Brynboru

The Height of Culture

Culture reaches its annual apogee every 12th July in this Province. Now the reason for all sorts of activities is ascribed to "oor kulchur".
This pyramid of pallets is about 110 feet in height and is in Lanark Way, Belfast. It lays claim each year to being the tallest bonfire in the Province. I cannot imagine how they managed to erect the last 30 feet or so without someone falling off.
Whereas previously reasonable claims as a cultural activity could be made for marching bands and Orange Parades, now a night of boozing and watching your neighbour's house windows melt from the radiant glow of a bonfire, is put down to its being "a part of the culture".
It's one thing to have a nice big bonfire which all can enjoy, but rather more sinister when they are decorated with racist slogans and the images of political rivals.

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