Lakeland Dipper 8

Ullswater, from Hallin Fell

A late finish at Kirkby and I didn't think I'd have time for a swim but it was such a warm evening I went down to the lake and swam near Kailpot Crag. Warm, sunny and calm with no great whites or weediness thank goodness.

And I'm pleased to have had permission to post poems from the sculptor, Christophe Gordon-Brown's website, which I rather like. This one rather reminds me of work and the long week ...

unity - Christophe Gordon-Brown

Emotion swims out to
Expire on the waves of existence
Whilst feeling is awareness of a power field
Underneath and ever present

Thoughts are like things
That can forge a prison fortress
When our fluid life clings
And makes a home in ten thousand objects

Will is a great Power
That needs no conditions
For who has seen the Father of existence in
The palm of his hand?

Think feel will are severed
Until a unity is found
That binds these three together
And turns a divided man into one who is sound

He of the Undivided declares
On the day when you were one, you became two
But when you become two
What will you do?

unity : lat. unus one 'one'
emotion : lat. ex - movere out - move 'out moving of feeling'
existence : lat. ex - stare out - stand 'that which stands out'
awareness : base. *war-, *wer- 'watching, being on guard'
present : lat. prae - esse before - being 'being there before'
object : lat. ob - jacere towards - throw 'that thrown before us'
will : unconditioned initiative
condition : lat. con - dicere with - say 'with-saying' (or by pointing)

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