Loch Laggan

Thank you very much indeed to everyone for their kind words and stars for my Roy Bridge evening shot last night. I do apologise for lack of comment lately. The days seem so short right now,

To combat the short day (and to avoid chaotic queuing on the Forth Road Bridge when I reached it) I got up pretty early this morning. At this time of year, when it is light at 4.00am, it is an end of the day I seldom get to see. What an omission that is. The first few miles heading east along the Glen Spean Valley, Ardverikie and Strathmashie were absolutely lovely in soft morning sunshine with mini inversions partially flooding the valley floors with mist. I took the hasty road side shot that I always feel cannot do justice to the view in front of you but a minute wasted in the north can be ten lost if you hit the Edinburgh rush hour full on.
Thankfully I reached the bridge before it got mental and I was at the survey company’s Loanhead office at 7.30 before the first member of staff arrived.
I was down to get a new blue tooth unit fitted in one of my GPS receivers and I have also made a quite scary addition of a new Trimble R10 system. I am told I got quite a good deal but part of the agreement was that I had to take (a now famous in G’s office) Mrs SJR freshly made sponge down with me. The guys at the survey company office are always helpful and highly professional with their service. I thought I was down to collect a couple of boxes but I also enjoyed a morning of quite intensive training from DCM.
Tired again tonight.

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