The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Reflecting on Laurie Lee's legacy

This is the birth centenary year of the local writer, Laurie Lee

Stroud bookshop window display, in the High Street. I used to work there. Captured on the walk home after a backstage duty at the evening performance of the school play. Only one more performance to go! One of the lead actors broke his leg at home last weekend, before the dress rehearsal, so he has had to be replaced. I am seeing the play tomorrow, when it is also being filmed.

It was a hot, hot day. On leaving work at 1.30 and realising I had to be back at 5pm, I decided to chill out in the charity shops and then head on up to Black Books cafe. I was sort of looking for CleanSteve, and found him in the cafe, having a meeting. That was handy! Also bumped into my friend Robin B, and an ex-colleague, so the afternoon passed pleasantly, and soon enough it was time to go back to work and help calm a few fears in the ante-rooms. The play seemed to go down well, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it all fits together, tomorrow.

Last night's fire was a biggie, and made the news. If we'd lived any closer we'd have to keep our windows closed. Eight fire engines and an aerial appliance were called out: it was a chemical fire. People (I suspect firefighters) were being treated for smoke inhalation, but I have not heard of any other injuries.

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