youngies journey

By youngie66

Dead Calm And Glowing

Well another gorgeous morning today heading into work I got up this morning as the sun was coming up and as I walked in the bathroom I looked like the Tango Orange man as the sun was so orange it made my pubes look ginger lol sorry about that I grew up with blond hair then took my mums red hair in my early teens before it turned fair/light brown now it has some grey in it anyway talking of red hair there was a newspaper article the other day about climate change that will see the demise of red haired people in a few centuries time but thankfully Scotland has the worlds highest percentage of red heads at 14% of world population so thats good along with those nice blue eyes as I have them as well although I would prefer if they were royal blue rather than a grey blue as blue eyed people have only been round for the last ten thousand and traced back to one ancestor near the black sea as a genetic mutation caused the iris not to go brown anyway glad I'm a genetic mutation I always thought I was different lol anyway at least when we run out of red hair in a few centuries in Scotland we can keep wearing our See You Jimmy hates to make up for the loss oh well you couldn'y make this up whatever next is climate change going to be blamed for anyway I had a rain free trip down to Leeds then back to Newcastle then a further drive back to Edinburgh and tomorrow it's Glasgow and Newcastle then off on saturday I may be going to Glasgow on saturday to buy a new lens for my camera a 18-270mm lens as the one I'm using has major problems and not worth repairing as it has the lens scratched also anyway my blip was again going over the rail bridge catching a calm forth with the tugs and an oil tanker docked at the Hound Point Oil Transfer Jetty and that was my day now then movie for the day is " Dead Calm 1989 " See Ya

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