in the afternoon and we walked along the Weser, the opposite direction from our yesterday's walk. We had chosen to walk on flat surface and were a bit surprised that we were more tired than we had anticipated. It could be the hot Sunshine, or our condition that still had to be build up. Who knows?
When we we came home there was a short pouring rain and thunder in the far distance. We skyped with Mischa, helping choosing her caterpillar picture that she had rescued on the cycle path.
In the morning I had done a little job that had waited for ages for me. And I walked round our garden and found the tiny spider in her web, Mischa's choice and I heartely agree with her.

My haiku:

Give me one reason
For hating spiders and I
Willgo and tell her

And the proverb:

The spider lost her distaff, and is ever forced to draw her thread through her tail.

1732 in T.Fuller, The History of the Worthies of England, no 4766

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