Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

I'm not doing anything

Thankfully the boys went to bed a lot better last night. Isaac slept all night (till 6:30) Elliot woke a few times between 12 and 1 but went off but sadly woke again at 4:30 and ended up coming in bed with us.
I'm hoping we are turning the corner in our sleeping and are going back to good sleeping.
We seem to have changed our naps about in the last few days we have managed afternoon naps of 90mins or more and our morning nap has moved to later on the morning. I'm wondering if it might be on its way out.
We are having better days as well at the minute which is great as it means we can get stuff done.
Still house hunting I think the problem we are going to have is that I like old houses ones with character and I think a four bed one of those is going to be out of our price range.
But it's a jumping the gun a bit we need finish of those little jobs in our house and put it on the market.

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