The Monthly Knitting Group

Our wonderful Millenium Library has become a real focus point of social gathering : I bet the Architects didn't consciously set out to create that ( as they didn't create adequate womens loos ! ), though it's certainly happened and gone from strength to strength.
Something is always happening : today this group happily chatted to me and let me photograph them. Children played.
Babies were Breast fed.
The Towns womens Guild chatted to me.
A huge Triumph motor bike painted in RNLI colours that had been fund raising all round the country was parked in the foyer.
The library was closed for industrial action.
Pals called out to me and we chatted about their trip to Yorkshire to see the Tour De France.
David Cameron was screened live from the Commons justifying a wholly undemocratic act that's being railroaded through Parliament. Nobody listened.

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