
By Memories4Me

A frog by the pond.

Dear Diary,

Although the bull frogs have quieted down, this little fellow was gracious enough to allow me to make a portrait of him. I really got quite close. Visiting the pond always brings something interesting to look at.

We are in a late day shower mode so mornings are best, before the heat of the day builds up. I'm also enjoying re-reading Walden. Thoreau was so observant of the myriad details of his pond...he understood it intimately. I hope to get to know my pond over the next year, not as a scientist but as an artist.

I fear that the character of my knowledge year to year becoming more distinct and scientific; that, in exchange with views as wide as heaven's scope, I am being narrowed down to the field of the microscope, I see details not the whole nor the shadow of the whole. - Henry David Thoreau

Reveling in the details...

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