
By philmorris


About the Day
Marginally, only marginally better today. Seeing RH tomorrow.

About the Blip
Didn't leave the house until after 8:30 this evening owing to a late tea. I had in mind to go back to Shustoke Reservoir where I had been for the first time on Sunday. But instead of a re-run, I headed to the top of the hill where the church stands on a tight bend in the road, opposite a convenient car park strictly for customers of the Griffin Inn. Having once been a customer of this excellent brew pub and almost certainly to be a customer again, that seemed to me to permit my entry. So I parked up there, where a stile might be found at the furthest from the boozer.

I emerged from the car park into a field of gold and a track down the slope of the hill towards the reservoir. The views back to the church would probably have sufficed and during my hour outside, the spire's stonework changed from silver to bronze to taupe to grey.

At the east end of the reservoir, where views stretch out towards the Coleshill and Birmingham skyline, there stands a number of teasel, exposed to the wind. I had shot the teasel on Sunday to include a tiny silver moon. The moon had moved, but the sun had dropped. So I ignored the reservoir altogether and framed the teasel against the sky. I called up a bit of flash, though with a range of about 6 inches, you perhaps wouldn't think so.

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