The face of today

Feeling more human today, managed nursery run etc all ok but did get back into bed with wom when we got home, to have to get out of bed to answer the doorbell to the post woman, next doors decorator, someone who was lost and a delivery driver. Gave up and ended up coming downstairs.

Health visitor came round. Wom is now 12,11, bang on the 50th percentile and doing well.

Grandma and Millie came over this afternoon, very quiet chilled out time as Millie had spent yesterday at the vets being 'sorted'. Went to pick Charlotte up, she was just on her way back from being down on the farm. Lovely chattering on the way home.

Bit of a tinker at bedtime, but more because she wanted to go to sleep than anything else. Hopefully will feel even more human tomorrow.

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