
By Avocadell

A Tale of Two Gatehouses

On the left the splendid 15th century gatehouse of (the no longer) Cawood Castle - once a residence of the Archbishops of York. Here Cardinal Wolsey was dramatically arrested for treason on Henry VIII’s orders. The gatehouse now belongs to the Landmark Trust - you can see York from its roof terrace, so it would make a great place to stay.
On the right is Bolton Percy Gatehouse, also 15th century - originally forming the entrance to the village rectory and a courtyard of medieval buildings. The scale of the internal and external decoration reflects the status and wealth of the rectors of the late medieval and early post-medieval period. It's in a lovely little village 8 miles from York and is owned by the Vivat Trust and sleeps 2 people - it too would make a lovely holiday destination.
As the 15th century crow flies these two gatehouses are only about 4 miles apart, but due to the impenetrable Wharfe it's a 12 mile trip after using the bridge at Tadcaster.
Maybe should have titled it 'A Tale of Two Historical Holiday Houses'!

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