Gifts of Grace

By grace

Proud Mum

A glorious hot sunny blustery day when you burn easily.  Which I gleefully did.

Edit:  I changed the pic, camera liked this scene better.

Thanks to everyone who engaged in one way or another with my blog post a couple of days back.  I was excited to share an important part of my life, then yesterday heartbroken all day with the realization that those wise women will likely all be dead now.  I had been holding them in a bubble of imaginal space which somehow kept the lived truth of those experiences at some distance from me.  The tears melted the bubble restoring me once again to the perceptual world of the habobat, and that is a huge gift.   I'm sure that your attention amplified this process of integration and I thank you for it.  Witnessing matters, it's one of the reasons we do what we do on here.

#am posting elsewhere: Way out west

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