
By rachelhpreston

Fun and games!

Today is definitely on my list of top 5 days in Colombia. It was just incredible! We started off going up the mountain to see sunrise. It ended up being too cloudy to see anything, but never mind! Brandon then cooked us patacónes for breakfast (best breakfast in the world!) We then finished off the mural and went into town to get some leaving gifts and other presents to take home. I invited everyone to a bakery I had seen previously, so we enjoyed some unhealthy, arequipe filled snacks before heading home to put on a HUGE saucepan of food for the prayer meeting that night. We had decided we wanted to cook for everyone at our last church meeting as a way of saying goodbye, and we couldn't think of anything more typical of British church gatherings than chili con carne!!!
At the start of the prayer meeting, I was told that apparently we had agreed to speak! This was the first I'd heard of it, but never mind! I had enough time to pick a bible passage, but no time to actually write anything down, so I just had to improvise (in Spanish...), but apparently it went ok and people could actually understand me! Other people then started sharing things they wanted to say as farewells, and we worshipped together for a while. I also led my first worship song on guitar to fulfill a challenge Josh had set me back in Bogotá when he agreed to start teaching me.
Afterwards, we shared the food we had prepared, which thankfully went down very well, and then played games together. First up was twister, which created sound levels I have never yet experienced, and I am a percussionist! There was a certain level of cheating going on, hence why I ended up in the position above....! We moved on to jungle speed, which had more cheating than I've ever seen before, and Nuris just sat and laughed as she watched the chaos! Pass the pigs was a little calmer, but the uno game after restored the levels of cheating to very high!
The friendship and fun that was shared this evening is something I will never forget. It was such an amazing atmosphere, and I love everyone in this community so much. Leaving is going to be very difficult.

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