Blooms and Bug

It was 7:30 p.m., and my camera had not been out of the bag. I was picture-less.

When we took our 5 mile hike this morning, it was raining quite heavily. We went without using our backpacks...thus no camera. It was what we called a real character building hike...but we were drenched.

I returned home, and helped the guy who is dry-walling our lower level after the water damage. What do you of sheet rock? Of drywall screws? Of the drywall mud? Of me ripping off the old wood trim? I don't think so.

Eventually, Lisa and I walked out into our mosquito-infested back 40 (actually our back 2) to see what new flowers were blooming.

I should know, but I don't know what these purple flowers are. Now that they are blooming, I'll have to keep an eye on them. Why? Because last year they brought in a couple of hummingbirds.

I probably won' I would love to join the hummer parade. So many great hummer pictures on Blip. I WANT TO PLAY! I WANT TO PLAY!

I never get to see da hummer,
and that's a major bummer.
Even if I have to be a latecomer...
I'd love to shoot the wee bird of summer.

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