
By Mindseye

(Hugh) Jackmanni :-)

I have been out all day today, with not a blip in sight! First it was the dentist, (all clear yay!) followed by a trip to my sister and brother in laws business premises to drop off an oven. Then across to visit mum with my sister, before going out for lunch. This was followed by grocery shopping with mum (which takes a while) then a trip to B&Q for a wooden stake for mums drooping rose tree! Then finally home to mums, unpacked shopping, fed the cat, watered the hanging baskets.....after all that we were "jiggered". What to do for tea....I make no apologies, we decided it was time for a "chippy tea" for 3, including my youngest son who is staying with my mum this week (that's a whole other story!) I am finally back home at 9.15pm ...........and relax!!!! So hopefully my blip family, you will view this clematis jackmanni with kind eyes. It was lucky I popped out into the garden earlier this morning to capture this; I just had a feeling today was going to pan out exactly as it did!

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