Schin schin
Today was going to be about school office work and the garden. Instead an early(ish) morning reorganisation of baking trays lead inevitably to a larder clean-out and reorganisation, which in turn lead to some work on sorting out the laundry room. The, just as I'm sure I was thinking of heading out into the garden, Mr B used some kind of voodoo mind trick on me and I spent the rest of the day clearing out the wine cupboard, servants' stairs and Room of Requirements.
Quite apart from all the dirt and grime you would expect in rooms that have not been cleaned for 20 years, there was the added joy of mushrooms from when there was a leak in the ceiling above (fixed now), lots of beetles and, as the final straw, a slug.
Still, with the help of a decent face mask, a wire brush and a lot of lavender scented natural cleaner, it is looking much more like space that could welcome furniture in (eek) two days.
But the work was done in time to commandeer the telly for the last half hour of Tour de France coverage, and Mr B made lunch and dinner to pay me back for doing the worst jobs today, so not all bad.
Tonight James Bond, and then football, with our only two bottles of Brazilian beer as neither of us rate their chances in making the final. We shall see.
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