Guess Who's Sleeping With Me?

Oooohh, so great to have her on my bed, the soft snoring is like a lullaby! She misses Ronnie and Anrie so much when they're in Canturion, they left again this afternoon, although they still have 'school holidays', Universities only start again next week, they must be back for Kinjutsu Tuesdays and Thursdays. Gesiggie slept in Ronnie's bed whilst they were here, and we wondered what will happen tonight. She used to sleep with me when I was in the upstairs room, but since I've moved down in January she just simply refused to sleep in my room. Only did it one night about 2 weeks ago!

Good night friends, sleep tight, I am certainly going to do so, especially with this sweetie pie down here! LOL

'One Year Ago' - Winter’s Glory

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