Year 2, Day 169 - Red Squirrels

Well, that was the plan and I did get some shots from the bedroom window but they are all blurred...

So, instead, here is a flutterby of some description! Aonghus was off sniffing his way through the long grass and heather so I managed to get in close quietly and quickly. Actually, this fella was quite obliging!

Day two of the Highland Wildlife Park seems to have gone well - Dale is coming home full of knowledge! Each group is getting to do a small study of the Lynx and it was her group first. There are two newborn Lynx and they haven't been unveiled to the public yet, so she is chuffed she got to see them first!

I thought I would have all this spare time to do some work but by the time I drop Dale off, walk the dog, have a shower and some brunch, it's time to go and walk the dog again before I have to pick Dale up at 4pm! My mum and dad are coming up tomorrow - don't know what we are doing yet though!

I don't know if we have the energy to stay up and wait for the badgers...

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