Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Egg..? Or bodily function..?...

...I'm curious.

I saw this happen through the lens (as I snapped a better image than this of the little green bug...Like a shield bug, but very green all over).

Then, of course, I went searching for other little clear globules (which I had previously assumed to be 'dew') and, of course, there were many!

On my beans though.

Is this good?
(Nature's fertilizer?).

Or bad?
(New insects coming, 'roll up, roll up come and eat the lovely baby beans' ?).

I am, it must be said, quite excited about the bean situation.
They are growing like Jack's beanstalk!
Almost as I watch.
Certainly from day to day there is much spurtingness going on :-)

So, if anyone can tell, from this fairly poor image, what is ensuing from the rear end of this bug I'd be interested to know please?

I wonder whether there's something bigger than us watching us in a similar way?

(Which reminds me: ''Nasa explains Mars UFO mystery'' according to Yahoo today I see...
...Hmm? You think?).

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