horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

20 clearly isn't plenty

Ah the righteousness of the ignorant...

Riding in a 20mph zone, at 20, with parked cars either side and speed cushions (which will explain me being 'in the middle of the road'). Guy in a Clio overtakes way too close, and with a car coming the other way I have to defer and continue after he's cleared a parked car ahead. Window is down as he's stopped at lights ahead. Conversation goes like this...

"20 mph here"
"You were in the middle of the road"
"Yes, at 20mph"
"It's not up to you how fast I drive"
"No, but the limit here is 20"
"You were in the middle of the road"
"Yes, at 20mph"
"You're a slow moving vehicle"
"No I'm not, I was at 20 and it's a 20 zone"
"You're a slow moving vehicle and you're supposed to move to the side, it's in the Highway Code"
"No it's not, there's nothing at all like that, and I was doing 20 in a 20 zone"
"You were in the middle of the road"

And we part.

I love the hypocrisy of insisting I abide by a (made up) rule from the Highway Code, whereas he is free to break a couple of (real) rules (passing too closely, and breaking the speed limit). As someone on Facebook pointed out, it's almost like something from Monty Python.

And that was one of the better things to happen to me today. Sometimes wonder what I did to deserve this life.

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