Going Through It

I had very little sleep at The Mother’s last night. Churning. Couldn't settle. Thoughts about yesterday. Worries about today. Several cups of tea through the night for both of us.

No idea what time the District Nurse was coming so Kat sat in with The Mother while I did a bit of packing for the show. I arrived back just in time for our appt with the care home manager. Although he has only been given her care for a two week respite period, he could see how poor her condition was and changed plans about which room she was going in on the assumption she would be staying longer. He was very nice, very calming, very gentle with the Mother. He phoned later to say she could go on Monday afternoon.

The District nurse bandaged The Mother’s legs due to the seepage from the oedema. All this attention left The Mother even more weary, but it had to be done. Kat stayed to look after her in between bouts of manic tree pruning in our garden while we set up our marquee for Skelton Show.

When I saw this New Holland combined harvester (yes, a brand new one!) I felt in sympathy with the grain. I was feeling all spiky, prickly and as if I'd had the feet taken from under me, churned about and spat out the other side.

I put out the cards and framed images in a very half-hearted manner. The enormity of what was to happen was sinking in. Kat was coming to the show field for an evening meal with us so I took the chance for another chat with The Mother when I went to collect Kat.

A couple of evening drinks for relaxation then early to bed for me.

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