New Year, New Life

By jenpedler

The green man and the guide

Had a fun Bloomsbury photo-shoot with a few guiding colleagues this lunch-time - various Virginia Woolf locations as part of the publicity for the Footprints Literary Festival coming up in October.
This is Stephen posing with the green man statue in Woburn Square (and this time the green man didn't break my camera!). We did take some without the footprints t-shirt but it did become a rather irresistible prop - we have Virginia Woolf in Tavistock square and Mrs Dalloway on the bench in Gordon square, both sporting a t-shirt!

If you'll be in London in October, look out for the festival. We also have a link with the upcoming Virginia Woolf exhibition at the NPG with a prize of tickets and catalogue. (Not to mention a Bleeding London event as the finale.)

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