A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Blip together - day 6

Peter - the Human Tie Rack and puller of ridiculous faces.

I have to say that my colleagues have thrown themselves into this with a certain amount of gusto (and they have stopped looking at me like I have gone made for asking them to participate!). Kieran brought 'props' on Tuesday, today Peter has brought them too, and I know that my subject for tomorrow has put some thought into items that will best represent her inside and outside of school. Commitment as always chaps - very much appreciated!

What can I say about Peter? Well, he has some dubious ties. He also has some very lovely ties too, but as a rule he tends to wear some pretty psychadelic "send your eyes squiffy" neck adornments at work - I don't think it's a fashion statement (I hope not otherwise the fashion police WILL be called) - I think it is more a reflection of he has had the p*** taken out of him so much about his ties that it is a deliberate choice to find something to cause a reaction from the staff room crowd.

Peter was going for the giant kipper tie look here. With obligatory face pulling (I have a number of pictures of him like this - he has been my test subject for getting lighting right at a number of school functions when taking photos - "Peter, just stand there, smile" ...this is what you get!)

Thank you. Especially seeing as we managed to get this done in between appointments at Parent's evening tonight.

In other news, I had a row with what can only be described as a really inconsiderate git at lunchtime today. I nipped to the local butty shop, parked outside (legally) and when I came out, the numpty in a white van had parked virtually right up to my front bumper. As I had parked fairly close to the person behind me, I had nowhere to go. I must point out that he was parked illegally, across a driveway entrance which was clearly marked as no parking. So after sitting in my car, watching his young apprentice, who was sat in the passenger seat, stuffing his face, I watched the driver exit the butty shop. Great - I'll get out in a minute. Oh no - next he goes to the paper shop. Then he goes to the bloody chip shop too. After 10 minutes sat in my car clearly going nowhere, but with engine running, numpty boy gets into his van, and then proceeds to spread the extensive range of items he has just purchased across his dashboard and started tucking into his lunch - with clearly no intention of moving his van, even though he had seen me, made eye contact with me and heard the engine running and could not really have been that bloody stupid that he couldn't figure out I wanted to get out. My head was just about to blow off, so in a rage, I got out of the car and went and knocked on his window. He was indignant that I had done this!
"Is there any chance you could move your van back a few feet please?"
"Because I need to get out"
"Because I need to go back to work and you have blocked me in"
His response (gob stuffed full of chips)
"Oh for f**** sake"
My head did blow off.
"Just move your van. You're parked illegally. Otherwise we have a problem"
(Yeah - saddo here already had the registration number!)
So he moved, but of course, because he clearly has a very small piece of essential equipment on his body, he had to do it LOUDLY, so there was much revving of the engine and glaring at me whilst he did it.
I almost managed to restrain myself from lowering my standards to his below gutter neanderthal level and gave him a sweet smile and a wave, but failed as I mouthed "f***wit" at him as I pulled away"

Tomorrow is 600 entries for me. Where did the time go?!

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