A bit of a blip in the daily Blip, which I didn't expect so early on in proceedings.
Camera is spending the night at Calumet while they, hopefully, attend to my dusty sensor or it will have to have a trip away to the Fuji folks.
However, today's blip in Blipping is not caused because I didn't take any pictures but because, being a Muppet, I forgot to take the memory card out before I dropped the camera off. So, you don't get to see a 7th July picture I'm afraid, which was going to be of the lovely 1930's listed Leamington Spa Station where I went this morning for a press photocall.
Instead here is a consolation Allium from back in May this year.
It's better than nothing and also not breaking good intentions by failing to post anything. Normal service will resume tomorrow!
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