Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A happy boy!

This morning was the final of the Young Musicians' Competition at Thomas' school - I dragged Luke and Adam out of bed at the unnatural (for them!) hour of 7am to get to school in time to support their brother, who was the brass finalist. It is an annual competition where an overall winner is chosen from the finalists in the varying categories of strings, woodwind, brass, piano and voice. Thomas was lucky enough to be chosen as the overall winner (a competition Adam won twice in a row when he was at that school). As expected he was delighted, as can be seen by his cheeky grin here.

Tonight it is the prize giving for the ski squad and Thomas, as the outgoing captain, has to say a speech. While we are at prize giving Adam has about 10 friends coming over for a 'small party' - I think we will not be lingering after the prize giving, I will need to get back to check that my house is still standing!

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