horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Lunch with the chaps at the Mussell Inn was as good as ever, with the added bonus of James bringing whisky for us. He's not in the general habit of doing so, but rather we'd all stuck in 30 quid to get an end of bottling set of three bottles from the Whisky Society. James fell on his feet, getting a bottle worth about £75 for his £30 - Iain and me walking away with about 40 quid's worth each.

That's what I get for preferring the sherry cask stuff. having the whisky now is a bit of a temptation. I'd half convinced myself that I would wait to open it till I'd finished the rest of the whisky in the house. This could easily have been a testament to my powers of will; but would likely be more aptly described as upcoming rampant alcoholism as I clear the cupboards just to get round to this. So I'll likely have a wee snifter tonight...

It's been a reasonably productive day in the office, after having to rely on some ninja bike handling skillz on the way into work. In fact less than 100 metres from the front door, with a driver mistaking the monument in the middle of Melville Street for a roundabout - as a lot of people do, I'm thinking of starting to erect guerilla signage in Edinburgh, starting with four 'This is NOT a roundabout' signs at this location.

A day of work and then off to Aviemore on Saturday. Cannae wait! Even if it will be full of posh yahs going skiing who think they only made it that far north because they're in a Chelsea tractor (though the road to the ski slope was still, at last check, closed...).

now. I just need to organise my bag so I can get the bottle home intact, and work out what I'm going to cook for dinner tonight (my turn, and I'd confidently stated when ordering the shopping that I'd leave that night free and think of something...).

p.s. considering a final 'bliptogether' tomorrow night. Possibly to do with the cat. Or Mel if I can convince her to have her photo taken. I would imagine balcking up and giving it the old jazz hands might stretch the bounds of political correctness. Monochrome, if you're reading, watching Pulp Fiction last night reminded me of the idea you mentioned in Waterstones...

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