Skip's Blips

By Skip

An after dinner treat

Sunday was drawing to a close by the time I got out to look for a blip, so I didn't expect to get anything sharp. It was almost too dark to blip birds at the bistro and definitely too dark to blip a speedy little hummer. Truth be told, I didn't even expect to see a hummer at the Bistro at that hour. But I was treated to a special twilight visit from the neighborhood birds. This little hummer sipped and sipped while I blipped and blipped. For good measure, a titmouse and a lady downy woodpecker also stopped by for a bedtime snack. So ended a beautiful holiday weekend in northeast Ohio. With hurricanes, heavy rainfall, and a heat wave threatening other parts of the U.S., we were blessed with wonderful weather. What a rare and special treat it was!

A new week will start in a few hours (if it hasn't already), have a good one, my friends.

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