Billy No Mates!

Its not the best photo but its the only one taken on this date.

I had a last minute trip to the races where the Kaiser Chiefs were entertaining afterwards. My teenage daughter wanted to go and meet her friends. So with a little negotiating and help from others I was fortunate to be able to take her. She met her friends and off she went so grown up.

Me, well I met a colleague who said I was welcome with them but they were having a family day and I didn't want to intrude even though I know I was more than welcome so I went for a little potter on my own. It's quite good really because even though you are on your own no one knows you are, because if you just keep walking they don't know you aren't looking for someone. I watched a couple of races - alone then went for another little wander.

Now - I have to say there were 10,000 plus people there. The biggest crowd ever, and I was Billy no mates. But on my wander I saw a friend I haven't seen for years. We stopped and talked and she told me how she too had been Billy no mates for the last hour!! We'd both had the same idea. So we joined forces. Had a good catch up and a vow to go out again.

Date set, plans made and we are doing it. Good friends are hard to find so we should treasure the ones we have.

What I can't believe is out of 10,000 plus people I only saw two I knew!!

Teenage daughter - front row of the Kaiser Chiefs, photos and videos and she had a fab night. I did too. I might have been Billy No Mates for a short while but it was worth it to be in touch with my mate again.

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