Sunrise Surprise

It was too good a morning to miss, I am sorry it is a another sunrise but with the weather due to break tomorrow I could not help myself but to walk here again in the early morning, watching as dawn brought with her the golden rays of sun.

There was a lovely warmth that accompanied her arrival and I propped myself against a tree and sat down and enjoyed that warmth as it enveloped me, My eyes closed, alone with my thoughts, I just sat feeling like I was totally alone, isolated from the worries of everyday. How I would love to be able to spend my days walking with my camera with not a care other than perhaps catching a beautiful landscape or the deer or both if I was very lucky...

I sa for what seemed like an age before I heard the creak if the gate in the distance and the first of the dog walkers who use this place descended and the place was no longer mine alone.

I hope you enjoy the shot

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