Dinner for a hungry boy
This is Callum having his dinner, with a little help from his Mum, who is now trained on tube feeding. He was mostly doing his wee angel impression this evening - helped by the fact that all his sensors are now micropored on to his skin, not just relying on their own weak adhesive! Apparently super glue has been discussed, but discounted at this stage... The angel act lasted until he was having his nappy changed and then his halo slipped! He still has his face mask on, but the hope is to take him off CPAP tomorrow, and we will see his cute wee nose again, with just some wee prongs rather than the mask! It does look like he'll be taking some oxygen home with him when they let him go, but we'll be glad just to have him home. Not that that will be any time before late August, but we're looking forward to it!
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