ZERO: Whoosh!!!

I can't remember whether I mentioned that the Tour de France was passing our house. I took somewhere in the region of 450 photos and most of them were just a blur. I don't know how much of this had to do with the fact that our next-door neighbour brought me a glass of prosecco laced with damson gin at about 11 am, or the fact that (not unexpectedly) the Tour itself sped past us on our downhill section at a blistering speed.
It has been a brilliant day - more to do with the fact that it was all about community and conviviality. I was sitting outside our house by 10:30am. we befriended a very nice security guard who was posted by us, and as the day progressed a steady stream of people passed us to find vantage points along our road. Everyone was in good spirits, my home-made bunting was roundly admired, and we discovered common links whilst chatting to folk who had chosen to watch the event from near our house. The forecast had been equivocal but in the event, the sun shone pretty much all day.
It was only when trawling through my blurry shots that I showed Mr PB a couple that were just about presentable when cropped, that he spotted that one of these did in fact contain the man in the Maillot Jaune today - Marcel Kittel - his day in the sun, although he looks to be puffing a little bit here.
We watched some bits of the race later on the TV and laughed that our village was not mentioned by name, the only reference made being to a nasty right hand bend.
I feel very happy to have been one of 2.5 million spectators here in Yorkshire over the 2 days.

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