MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

I'm cooking hot!!

What a hot day in DE today...not complaining as see the rest of the week is going to be a lot cooler with rain, so made the most of the week of good weather we had.

I ran a 9.5km Trail run this the shade the trees give me on the Trail runs....the sun was way too hot.

My blip photo is of my new phone. Hubby bought me a Sony Z2 for my birthday....have had two days of playing and getting to know it better...what a great phone. I also have the wrist band that you keep on your arm...this picks up the amount of steps I take, the distance I run, calories burned the whole day, calories burned during my run, the amount of time I sit online etc....

I want to give a special shout out to BEVIE....thank you for all your lovely comments!!!

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