
By Cygnus


Had a lovely Sunday, with the morning at Chalmers church then lunch with all the 'young folk' at the Salisbury Arms. The Arms used to be the student pub, as it's directly opposite Pollock Halls of Residence, but it has had a face lift and now welcomes one and all! The food was very nice and I really enjoyed the company of the girls and Gustavo, as well as other family and friends.

In the afternoon we had a tootle around the Royal Botanic Gardens, as I had never visited there. There is lots of great planting and as we walked around I was assailed by the most gorgeous smells! We got to a very pretty garden designed in memory of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother. We were glad of the little shelter there, as it started to rain at that point.

No1 peanut was able to rest her umbrella for a little while.

Gustavo and the Precious are getting ready to move into their new flat. They get the keys tomorrow!

Exciting times!

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